Ways to Harmony

Training & Certification

Training & Certification

There are two ways one can obtain initiation into Belvaspata.

-First, you can hire a Grand Master of Belvaspata to prepare you for the initiation and then to initiate you.

-Second, you can do self-initiation. How-to is explained in detail in many of Almine's books, especially in the Belvaspata books.

Dear Lightworkers if you decide to learn and practice Belvaspata, I would recommend you to purchase a book Belvaspata - Angel Healing Volume I before the training.


Belvaspata Level 1 & 2 Initiation, Training and Certification

 1-day course $350

In preparation for Belvaspata’s Level 1 & 2 initiation, the initiate must study and internalize

the 12 Pairs of Emotions and the 16 Rays of Lighty (from Belvaspata book or I can send it for you)

You will receive Belvaspata Level1 & 2 initiation and certificat, +Belvaspata healing session

Learn: about sigils vs symbols and how they are integral to Belvaspata;

different sound healing that accompanies healing sessions

how to open a healing sessions to connect you as One with the cosmos

how to do a Daily Maintenance healing

 Learn and use the Belvaspata sigils and names for the quality , angel sigils and the names of the angels who supports the quality for Level 1&2; Advanced sigils for Level 1&2

Learn how to use:

- Kaanish Belvaspata - The Healing Modality of Enlightenment

- Belvaspata the Song of Self promotes the healing of bodily inflammation

 by resolving internal emotional conflicts. It includes 8 Wheels of Directions and 21 Wheels of the Songs.

(for  Kaanish Belvaspata and  Belvaspata the Song of Self only initiation that is necessary any level of regular Belvaspata) and discuss your questions.

Students who earn their Level 1 & 2 certification must have at least 3 months of regular practice before receiving Mastery & Grand Mastery certification.


Belvaspata Master & Grand Master Initiation,Training and Certification

 1-day course $350

In preparation for Belvaspata’s Mastery & Grand Mastery initiation, the initiate must study and internalize

 the 12 Pure Pairs of States of Being and the 12 Pairs of Heart Energies

You will receive Belvaspata  Master & Grand Master initiation and certificat, +Belvaspata healing session

 Learn and use the Belvaspata  sigils for  Master & Grand Master Level

 Advanced sigils for  Master & Grand Master Level

 Learn and pratice the Belvaspata initiation sigils and how to do initiations for others and discuss your questions

After 6 months of this initiation you can start to do initiations for other and become eligible to register on the Belvaspata Masters & Grand Masters Directory http://belvaspata.spiritualjourneys.com/belvaspata-directory


Level I connects the initiate to the soul group they represent.


Level II connects the initiate to the planet. Each time a Level II

practitioner uses Belvaspata, it affects all of humanity. 

Master Level removes illusion, connecting the Master to the

cosmos in that every time a master practitioner uses Belvaspata,

it benefits all of the cosmos. 

Grand Master Level affects the spiritual emotional, spiritual

mental and spirit bodies of all. It is the level to prepare for

immortality of the body, as it releases new hormones and opens

higher capacities of the endocrine system. It also clears the

cosmic pathways and removes old programming of suffering as

it connects the initiate with assistance from the highest levels

within the cosmos.



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