Ways to Harmony

Reiki Training and Attunement

Reiki training are for everyone.

Traditional Japanese Usui Reiki Training and attunement comes in three degrees: 1 level, 2 level and Master / Teacher level.
Reiki attunement is personally and individually.
The attunement, or attunements, that you will receive will empower you for life. Reiki already exists within you, it only needs to be 'awakened' by the attunement process. Every person has the power to heal his own self or another person through the use of energy.
Traditional Japanese Reiki Classes (Eastern Lineage) are delivered in English and Russian
Usui Reiki Level I Training and Attunements:
Fee: $ 160
The fee includes:
- You will receive the Level I Reiki Attunement (initiation) to connect you to Reiki.
- We also discuss the history of Reiki
- Introduction to Reiki
- The Reiki principles
- The hand positions
- Self healing and healing others
- Reiki for plants and animals
- Chakra system
- Overview of crystal healing.
- Use of meditation and intuition
- Reiki 1 meditation techniques.
You will get: the certificate of your Reiki attunement level 1,
Personal guidance and instruction during the course of your study
and chakra stone set.
Usui Reiki Level 2 Training and Attunements:
(prerequisite: Reiki levels 1)
Fee: $ 180 
The fee includes:
- You will be attuned (initiated) to the second level of Usui Reiki.
- Learn how to draw and activate 3(three) Reiki healing symbols
- How to use Reiki symbols during any Reiki treatment
- Distance healing method 
- Mental/emotional healing technique
Reiki manifestation techniques
- Reiki Crystal Healing
- Use of meditation and intuition
- Japanese Reiki techniques
You will receive: a certificate of your Reiki attunement level 2,
Personal guidance and instruction during the course of your study,
crystal pendant
and Reiki music CD.
Komyo Reiki (Eastern Lineage) Master/Teacher level Training and Attunements:
(prerequisite: Reiki levels I & II)
Fee: $ 500 
The fee includes:
- You will be attuned to the Komyo Reiki Master level,which increases the strength of your Reiki energy.
- Learn Master symbol which increases the effectiveness of the Reiki 2 symbols and can be used for healing.
- How to use the 4th Master symbol 
- Different moments in the attunement
- The shirushi (symbol) used for the Reiju in the different levels
- Mudras
- Traditional Reiki Japanese Techniques.
- Advanced techniques for using Reiki to solve problems and achieve goals. learn how to use of crystals and stones with Reiki. How to make a Reiki grid that will continue to send Reiki to yourself and others after it is charged.
You will receive: A certificate of Komyo Reiki Master / Teacher Level,
Instruction on how to give Reiki attunements for Reiki 1, 2, full Reiki Master Level and How to teach each level (manuals for all levels),
and Reiki Crystal Grid Kit which includes eight Quartz Crystals.
Reiki attunement is actually an instigation to develop crown, heart and palm chakras, to facilitate the flow of energies through them. It's a revered process of meditation that can only be imparted by a Reiki master. In fact, the whole process of attunement is the beginning of the recipient to become a Reiki practitioner. Prior to the attunement, the aspirant is recommended to undergo the purification as its aids this process. As you get attuned to Reiki, you get the ability to access the Reiki energy for the prospect of healing a person or situation.
The attunement process is a spiritual ceremony, where the Reiki Master uses the symbols and other signs in a given manner. This spiritual ceremony forms an energy blueprint around the recipient heading for attunement, which further attunes his energy field to the energies embodied by the symbols.
For Reiki training or if you have questions and need additional information email or call me 
email volframt@hotmail.com 
phone (647)-818-4857

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